DIKTIO – Network for Reform in Greece and Europe in partnership with Jacques Delors Institute implemented the project «Faces on Divides» (December 2017-May 2017) which was supported by the European Parliament. The Jacques Delors Institute was the coordinator of the project and work hand in hand with civil society partners from:
1. Czech Republic (Europeum).
2. France (European Movement – France.
3. Greece (To Diktio). The project included public events that brought in contact citizens and MEPS and debated on what guided MEPs votes depending.
§ the country notes,
§ the subject or
§ the political party they belong.
Diktio organized 2 public events in Athens with EP Members participating, Mr Androulakis (PES) in Athens, and Ms. Vozeberg (EPP) in Thessaloniki. The events and study results were publicized in the media accordingly.